What are the good geomantic omens in the office? How to build?

Feng Shui has always been a vital part of Chinese traditional culture. As China’s position in the world has become more and more important in recent years, the improvement of China’s economic strength, the improvement of its national knowledge level, and the “unfriendly” run on China by a major international country, the combination of these internal and external subjective and objective factors has led to more and more multinational people not blindly catering to the indoctrination of foreign cultures at first. Choose to seek the way of coping and meditation from the ancient books of Chinese traditional culture.


The result is that at present, we look back and find that the things left by our ancestors are really good and very instructive. The most obvious thing is that more and more of our media and we media have begun to sort out traditional masterpieces, songs, dances, calligraphy, traditional Chinese medicine and other aspects. Zhou Yi is one of the most respected classical masterpieces.


Recently, many people have inquired about the office geomancy. There are many problems. To sum up, there is one question: “How to create a good geomantic omen in the office?” In order to understand this problem, we must first figure out what feng shui is?


Office geomantic omen


If you simply understand from the literal meaning, then good feng shui must be a place with both wind and water. It must be known to the discerning people that they can’t simply sum it up like this. It includes many aspects. If we only talk about office space, it can be regarded as the category of public opinion in the Book of Changes. Then ask the real master what is good geomantic omen, and he will certainly not tell you clearly, because the Book of Changes does not tell you exactly what is good geomantic omen, which may be the essence of Chinese culture. Because of this kind of thing, you can’t explain it clearly. China is so big that the geographical environment is different from place to place. How can you use a rule to summarize so many all embracing qi of heaven and earth? impossible.


Zhouyi. jpg


So let’s look back and see how to create a good geomantic omen in the office. From the perspective of the landscape, it is more difficult to give feng shui an objective and scientific footnote. This problem was really solved after the publication of Geomantic omen of the human inner environment. “Wind” refers to energy, and “water” refers to matter in motion. According to this, “Geomantic omen of human internal environment” gives a scientific answer: the energy in material movement is geomantic omen. The world is made up of materials, and materials are constantly changing, which is the reason why feng shui is everywhere. But to sum up, what really affects the destiny of life and the company is more the internal things that constantly move and change in this space.


Because the fundamental reason for the development of all things lies in the interior of things, the role of the external environment can only play a role through the movement and change of the interior of things, as well as feng shui, the movement of space is the real leading role in this internal environment. Only by combining the internal environment with the external environment of Feng Shui, can we maximize the benefits and avoid disadvantages.


The objective conditions that promote the normal operation of the objective things in this space are light, atmosphere, temperature, humidity, etc.


Geomantic omen


What about subjective factors? Of course, it is also very important. Here we have to extend another concept, energy magnetic field. Many people should have heard of this. It is easier for you to cooperate and communicate with a person who is relatively close to your energy magnetic field, because everyone’s ideological level and code of conduct are relatively consistent. Therefore, the cooperation and communication will be relatively smooth, which can well promote the work and improve the work efficiency. On the contrary, it means mutual exclusion, internal friction, and ultimately nothing.


So here is a quote: “virtue is weak and virtue is thick”. My understanding is virtue. It is the person who occupies the dominant position in this space. If this person is in a high position, but cannot lead by example, it is certainly not possible to convince people, moralize people, and educate people by virtue. This state of internal friction must be bad feng shui.


A few words are not enough to understand the essence of traditional Chinese culture, nor to give a very specific concept of feng shui for office space. Because our ancestors never gave us a very standard definition.


From my point of view, it is important for all bosses to pay more attention to office space and “people”. The objective aspect of attention here is to fully consider the conditions required for the orderly operation of air, wind, water, light, life and things. The subjective factor is to try to be consistent with some of your own energy magnetic field, and the virtue aspect should pay attention to harmony and virtue.


In this way, we can move forward with one heart, forge ahead and be invincible! Do you understand?

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Post time: Nov-10-2022