What are the cleaning skills of office furniture?

In daily office work, we often clean and maintain office furniture to keep them bright. In many cases, some wrong cleaning and maintenance methods can make the furniture clean temporarily, but they actually cause potential damage to the furniture. Over time, your furniture will have irreparable problems. So how to wipe the office furniture correctly?

Office furniture cleaning

1、 The rag is clean

When cleaning and maintaining office furniture, first make sure that the cloth is clean. After wiping off the dust, be sure to use a clean cloth. Don’t be lazy and reuse the dirty side again and again. This will only cause the dirt to rub repeatedly on the furniture surface, but will damage the bright surface of the furniture.

2、 Select the right care agent

In order to maintain the original brightness of furniture, there are two kinds of furniture care products: furniture care spray wax and cleaning and maintenance agent. The former is mainly aimed at furniture made of various wood, polyester, paint, fire resistant rubber plate and other materials, and has two different fresh smells of jasmine and lemon. The latter is suitable for all kinds of furniture made of wood, glass, synthetic wood or melamine resistant board, especially for furniture made of mixed materials. Therefore, if you can use the maintenance products with both cleaning and nursing effects, you can save a lot of valuable time.

Post time: Dec-13-2022