Maintenance of solid wood office furniture

Solid wood office furniture has its outstanding characteristics because of its uniqueness. In the office furniture team, it looks luxurious and atmospheric, restores the natural wood grain, elegant and generous, and belongs to the high-end office series. Such high-end products, what should we pay attention to in the process of maintaining solid wood office furniture?

1. First of all, when installing solid wood office furniture, it must be installed in place to avoid loopholes and moisture-proof problems.
2. When cleaning to prevent sharp scratches, do not use a wire brush or a stiff brush to clean stubborn stains, but use a soft cloth impregnated with a strong detergent to clean.
3. Traditional maintenance methods: south paint and north wax
Southern lacquer refers to the use of large lacquer to maintain furniture in areas south of the Yangtze River in my country at that time. Northern wax refers to the area north of the Yangtze River in my country at that time, and the way to maintain solid wood office furniture by scalding wax is often used. It is necessary to scald beeswax containing various additives into the wood of the furniture.
4. When you need to disassemble and assemble solid wood office furniture, you should pay attention to the method and do not use brute force. If conditions permit, you can ask a professional office furniture installer to disassemble and assemble.
You can use a clean soft cotton cloth to scrub the surface of solid wood office furniture every two days. Remember not to use sponges or tableware cleaning products to clean solid wood office furniture. We recommend using special solid wood office furniture cleaners. Has a maintenance effect. Regular waxing can also play a protective role. Before waxing, check whether the surface is in good condition and whether there is any paint peeling. Generally speaking, the heat resistance of solid wood office furniture is relatively poor. When using it, try to get rid of the heat source as much as possible. It is best to put a placemat on the dining table to prevent it from being scalded.

Post time: Jun-15-2022